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Kimberley to the Pilbara

5 – 30 October 2020

In the first solo exhibition of fortyfivedownstairs’ Fragments series, artist Terry Swann – one of Australia’s foremost contemporary landscape watercolourists – takes us on a journey from Kimberley to the Pilbara. 

Since living in the Yarrabah Aboriginal Community, Far North Queensland during the early years of her career, Terry’s love for the land has continually drawn her back to the Australian wilderness, where she captures the diversity of the Australian landscape through her expressive and spontaneous style.  

In Terry’s words, “While I draw in a sketchbook and do note-taking, my passion is to paint in situ where I can use my emotional response to capture the essence of the landscape. During lockdown, I have used sketchbooks and memories of recent trips to the Kimberley and Pilbara to do this body of work.” 

Kimberley to the Pilbara explores the process of creating work that captures the ever-changing sounds and moods of the bush when there’s no option but to stay at home. 


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